Monday, December 30, 2013

Why wait?

So it's that time of year again. Time for resolutions that no one will keep and dreams that people will give up on within 2 weeks. I can say this because I was this way at the beginning of 2013. In fact that's why I joined WW in the first place. Did it last? No. Why?  Why don't people keep their resolutions they make at the beginning of the year?  Is it because we don't want to change?  Is it because we get lazy? Why does it take a scary and unfortunate event to happen before we will make the commitment to change our lives for the better?  Honestly your guess is as good as mine. With New Year's Eve right around the corner, I ponder these questions. So I am adopting a challenge for the month of January. You can also check it out HERE.    

I also decided that I am going to put myself out there so I can be held accountable. Here it is people my before picture taken after my treadmill session tonight:

It was so hard to take that picture, let alone post it. But this is going to be different. So here I am posting it. 

For breakfast I decided to try out this overnight oats trend that I've been seeing.
I'm not a fan of oatmeal at all but it wasn't too bad. I took a 1/3 cup of all natural steelcut oats, 1/3 cup of vanilla yogurt, 1/3 cup of fat free milk, 1/2 of a banana, 1 tsp of chia seeds, and 1 tbsp of all natural peanut butter and mixed it all together in a jar and put it in the fridge overnight. In the morning I topped it with all natural honey oat granola. (12 PP) It was chewy but good, even my 2 year old ate some of it. It was more points than I thought it would be but it kept me full until lunch. I was running errands today so I ended up at mcdonalds for lunch. Instead of the Big Mac or mcdouble, I decided on the grilled snack wrap (7 PP) and a water. For dinner it was country fried steak and augratin potatoes for the family and I made the WW recipe, Lemony Chicken and Broccoli (4 PP). 

I got a spur of my butt today and decided to make homemade crockpot applesauce. It's finally done and the best part is that it has NO added sugar!!!  Thank you Pinterest. 

10 apples peeled, cored, and sliced
2 tsp of cinnamon
1 tsp of nutmeg
1/2 tsp of ginger
1/4 tsp of cloves
1/2 tsp of vanilla extract
1/2 c of water

Combine everything in a crockpot and put it on high for 1 hours stirring occasionally, turn it down to low for 5 hours. 

I also jumped on the treadmill for 40 minutes today. 

Starting Weight: 236.8 lbs
Current Weight: 230.4 lbs
1st Goal: 218.0 lbs


  1. I just want to tell you that I'm proud of you. I know how hard taking and posting the pics were, and it took incredible strength. Good for you! Also incredibly proud of you for not eating what you made the family for dinner and for opting for the healthier option. Again, I know that is not an easy task, hell, I'm not sure if I could've done it, if my child's health wasn't relying on it, but I am super proud.

  2. Thanks. That means a lot to me!! I swear it felt like the hardest thing ever
